Sardar Sequel is planned with a massive budget. The Tamil cinema fans, and Telugu film audiences are all set to witness another marvelous, entertaining outing with Karthi’s Sardar franchise! The big sequel, Sardar 2, has been in the news for a longtime and is set to have a grand Pooja Ceremony in Chennai on February 2. Sardar Sequel is planned with a massive budget.
The film, Sardar 2 is believed to be the Karthi’s most significant budgeted film to date, and it will showcase an outstanding cinematic experience. Even though the specifics of the story are being kept under wraps, it has been speculated that the most talented actors and stars from South Indian Cinema will be given prominent roles in this film, including the antagonist and female lead.
The production of this much anticipated sequel is being overseen by Prince Pictures, which has PS Mithran, the director who mixes message and thrilling elements, along with Yuvan Shankar Raja, who will add another layer of magic with his music.
The Pooja Ceremony of Sardar 2 in Chennai will be attended by celebrities, including the cast, crew, and other industry personalities. The fans are eagerly anticipating a sneak peek into what promises to be a massive project due to the buzz it has created.