Saravanan Arul, also known as Legend Saravanan, has announced on his official Twitter account that his film The Legend is finally releasing on the OTT platform. According to his tweet, Disney+ Hot star has gained the streaming rights for the film, and it will be available for streaming from tomorrow.
It surprised Tamil audience and even the other movie buffs when Saravanan Arul, one of the leading entrepreneurs in Tamil Nadu, announced his decision to make a film. The movie was titled The Legend and directors JD and Jerry were roped into directing the project.
The film revolves around a talented scientist who sets out to bring in many remarkable changes in a village. However, a few people with vested interests interfere in his plans for their benefits. How the optimistic scientist plans to implement his ideas forms the rest of the story.
The movie, upon its theatrical release in July last year, received negative reviews from critics and the audience. Saravanan’s acting was also got poor response, and some of the audience said that it was brave of him to act in the lead role of a big-budget movie produced by himself at this age.
The Legend film featured notable actors like Geethika Tiwary, Urvashi Rautela, Vivek, Suman, and Nassar. The music for the film was composed by Harris Jayaraj, and the cinematography and editing were handled by R. Velraj and Ruben, respectively. The Legend failed to perform well at the box office because of the bad talk from the audience.