It is very well known to everyone that Ranbir Kapoor, the Bollywood star actor, has teamed up with Tollywood sensational director Sandeep Reddy Vanga for Animal, an action film. The makers have officially announced that Animal, which was originally scheduled to be released on August 11, 2023, had been postponed, much to the dismay of the fans.
Today, Sandeep Reddy Vanga himself posted an online video explaining what really happened with the postponement of the film. He referred to quality as the reason for the film’s delay. He explained that the film consists of 7 songs in total and making them sing in 5 different languages would take a longer time than the expected. Not only that, but he also emphasized that he did not want the audience to feel like they were listening to dubbed songs, which prompted him to reschedule the movie’s release date.
Likewise, he later thanked the viewers for making the pre-teaser a roaring success and confirmed that the glimpse, which was a small bit from an action sequence, would be there in the final cut of the film. Sandeep Vanga then stated that he and his team felt that December 1, 2023, was an appropriate date to release the film, Animal.
At the conclusion of the video, he told the audience to come and experience Ranbir Kapoor’s vishwaroop in the film. Rashmika Mandanna is the female lead in this movie, while Anil Kapoor and Bobby Deol play important roles in Animal, which is a joint production of T-Series and Bhadrakali Pictures.