Sampoornesh Babu who has been away from the screen for quite some time is now coming up with another comedy film titled ‘ Cauliflower’. RK Malinenni, who earlier directed Daagudu Moothalu Dandakhor in 2015 will be directing ths film.
The ‘Burning Star’ released the first look of the movie today on the occasion of his birthday. Presenting you ‘Burning Star’ @sampoornesh as the Grand Father of ‘Cauliflower’ tweeted the actor. The first look of the movie was released through a teaser where Sampoornesh Babu is dressed as a Britisher.
The movie will chronicle the journey of a man who came all the way from England to India to tell the world about the greatness of Indian women. Asha Jyothi Gogineni and Sridhar Guduru are producing this film on Madhusudhana Creations and Radhakrishna Talkies banners.