Sree Vishnu’s Samajavaragamana, a comedy film which was released as a small film in the theaters without many expectations, has become a blockbuster at the box office. The film is still successfully running in the theaters and now there is a small confusion regarding the film will be streamed on OTT from this weekend or not.
The digital rights of Samajavaragamana have been bought by Aha Video and the deal is said to be done for 3 weeks agreement after the theatrical release. This is the usual process for the small films’ OTT deal.
Now, according to the deal, the film has to be streamed from this weekend, but the makers did not expect that their film will become such a massive blockbuster. Normally, small films will make the deals for 3 – 4 weeks after the theatrical release because they get big price from the OTT platforms.
Now we need to wait and see how the makers will negotiate this situation. The Aha Video has already announced that the film, Samajavaragamana, will be streamed on their platform soon. If there are no negotiations, the film will be streamed on OTT from this weekend.