Prabhas’ Salaar teaser has created a massive impact both online as well as offline. Now all eyes are on the trailer. Fans are eagerly waiting for this massive update as so far very little has been revealed about the world of Salaar. If the trailer works out well, then it will certainly pull many out of the disappointment of the release postponement. As we all know, the film was earlier supposed to be released on 28th September and was later moved to 22nd December.
Prabhas is off to Europe for his knee injury treatment and he is taking rest there. He will return to India after one week. As everyone wanted, the trailer did not release on Prabhas’ birthday a few days ago. The main reason for this is that the team wants Prabhas to release the trailer in an event and his presence is extremely important. After Prabhas’ return, the trailer of the film is likely to be released. We can expect the trailer in the 2nd week of this month.
Film lovers, fans, and industry insiders, all are waiting for the trailer to release as no other content has been released so far after the teaser and there has been huge anticipation for the film. The success of trailer will certainly play a key role in further hyping up the movie.