Salaar Censor report is unanimously positive. The fortune has changed for Prabhas and Prashanth Neel’s pan-Indian action drama. It is widely known that Salaar Part – 1 Ceasefire is all set to be released on December 22nd in theaters worldwide. While the film suffered with a low buzz for a while, the inside reports strongly suggest that Salaar Censor’s report is unanimously positive.
A few days before, there was some negative buzz around the film Salaar, and the team was not happy with the output. It was confirmed that Prashant Neel himself postponed the movie, did some reshoot of crucial portions of the film, and added a song along with a few more scenes, which were reshot.
Now, the team locked the final copy and completed the censor formalities with a runtime of 176 minutes and an A certificate. The censor report has come out unanimously positive, and the movie carries a positive buzz in the industry circles.
Is Salaar the much needed big hit for Prabhas?
If the censor talk turns out to be the same as audiences’ word of mouth, Salaar will surely be the most awaited blockbuster for Prabhas fans, and another 1000Cr Gross will be like a cakewalk for the pan-Indian star.
The film Salaar is said to have the right mix of emotions and action episodes. The action episodes, one in the interval and the other two in the second half, are fantastic. Also, the mother sentiment and friendship emotion has reportedly worked very well. Salaar Censor report is unanimously positive.
Prashanth Neel the mastermind behind Salaar
The advantage of Prashant Neel is he clearly understands what works and what does not in his films. Many directors with overconfidence fix that they have made a blockbuster film and say everything has worked, but after the release, they realize their mistakes. However, Prashanth Neel discovered the mistakes in the movie in the filming stage. Despite much pressure from the makers to release the film without postponement, he convinced everyone to postpone the release and complete the reshoot. Now, he seems to have set everything according to the censor report.