Venkatesh’s Saindhav was one of the Sankranthi releases earlier this month. Despite having an interesting star cast and action-packed trailer, the film failed to get off a great opening and gradually lost its steam amidst other releases like Hanuman, Guntur Kaaram, and Naa Saami Ranga. Saindhav was a massive-budget action film with a big star cast and heavy competition and poor word of mouth led the film to end up with a single-digit share.
Saindhav is now getting ready for its OTT premiere soon. The movie has almost ended its box office run and will have an early OTT release. Saindhav is expected to stream this weekend onwards on Prime Video.
The movie was made on a huge budget, and the theatrical rights are valued at 25Cr and ended up with around 8Cr share worldwide. Even on the festival days, the film failed to put in good numbers, and after the festival holidays, it completely crashed at the box office.
The film starred Shraddha Srinath, Arya, Nawazuddin Siddique, Andreah Jeremiah, and Jishu Sengupta among others. Satish Kolanu directed this action thriller which revolves Venkatesh and his quest to keep his child safe and alive.