Saindhav censor report and runtime details are out. The Censor Board has modified violent scenes and explicit Language. It is widely known that the upcoming action thriller of Venkatesh is scheduled to be released on Sankranthi. Venkatesh, who has the image of a family hero, has changed his path and entered the violent zone with Saindhav.
Recently, the film’s trailer was released, and it was evident that Saindhav has excessive content of violence. The Censor Board has reduced the amount of gore, and after the cuts and reduced the length of violent parts, the film’s length is 140 minutes (2 hours and 20 minutes). According to the Censor Report, there are many cuss words and violent parts that have been cut or trimmed down.
Victory Venkatesh’s milestone 75th film, Saindhav, has recently completed all the formalities. The censor officials awarded Sailesh Kolanu’s directorial venture with a U/A certificate. As mentioned above, the film underwent a severe test during the Censorship. Saindhav censor report and runtime details are out. The Censor Board has modified violent scenes and explicit Language.
Saindhav is now all set for a grand release worldwide on January 13th for Sankranthi, 2024. This Pan India movie is produced on a massive scale by Venkat Boyanapalli under the banner of Niharika Entertainment. At the same time, the music is composed by Santosh Narayanan, and the cinematography is by S.Manikandan. Avinash Kolla is the Production Designer, and Garry BH is the editor.
Along with Baby Ssara Palekar, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Arya, Ruhani Sharma, Andrea Jeremiah, Jisshu Sen Gupta, and Jayaprakash are the other prominent cast of the movie. Kishore Thallur is the co-producer.