Sai Pallavi has set social media ablaze with pictures from the set of her upcoming Bollywood debut! The talented actress was recently spotted filming in the picturesque snowy wonderland of the Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan, alongside Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid Khan.
The untitled film, directed by Siddharth P Malhotra, marks Junaid’s second acting project, following his upcoming debut in “Maharaja” under Aditya Chopra’s direction. The shoot, briefly disrupted by heavy snowfall, seems back on track, much to the delight of fans eagerly awaiting a glimpse of this exciting collaboration.
Adding to the buzz, the Indian Ambassador to Japan, Sibi George, even met Sai Pallavi and the crew, discussing the film’s progress and its cultural significance.
The versatile actress is juggling multiple projects. She’s currently working with Naga Chaitanya in Chandoo Mondeti’s “Thandel,” soon to be seen alongside Yash in her Kannada debut #Yash19, and rumored to be portraying Sita in Nitish Tiwari’s Ramayan.