Kerala beauty Sai Pallavi made her Telugu debut with Fidaa which created a sensation in Telugu states. She became popular and created a separate fan base with her mesmerizing performance. In Kollywood also she gained craze with Maari 2 and the dance number “Rowdy baby” shattered many Youtube records standing as the highest viewed South Indian song.
Besides an actress, Sai Pallavi is also a professional dancer. Recently, a movie team approached Sai Pallavi for a special song in their film. They offered a huge amount of 1 crore rupees but Sai Pallavi who always stays away from exposing roles has simply rejected this offer. Though the film’s name was unknown the industry buzz is that it is in one of Tollywood’s star hero film. It is common that actress does special songs and item songs in different films as they get whooping price. But Sai Pallavi is quite opposite to this, she is currently doing a film with Rana in Viraata Parvam and in Naga Chaitanya’s Love Story.