Sai Pallavi will be seen as Yellamma. Balagam, a rural family drama was one of the highly acclaimed films in recent days, which made comedy actor Venu emerge as a promising director in the Telugu Film Industry. After Balagam he planned his next, Yellamma with Nani but due to other commitments, it moved from Nani to Nithin.
Nithin is doing the lead role and Dil Raju who produced Balagam is backing this film. The latest news is that actress Sai Pallavi has been finalized as the lead actress. The film will go on set in the early stage of next year and the team is planning for the 2025 end release. The fans are now delighted as they got to know that Sai Pallavi will be seen as Yellamma.
2025 is a crucial year for Nithin who is in continuous flops. He is also releasing 3 films in 2025: One is Robinhood which was supposed to be released on Christmas but got postponed to February, the second one is Thammudu directed by Venu Sriram which is also produced by Dil Raju, and the third one is Yellamma. Definitely, Nithin needs a hat trick success to come back strong at the box office.