Prema Kavali starring Aadi Sai Kumar became a smashing hit. The film’s album was also a chartbuster composed by Anup Rubens. Prema Kavali was directed by Vijaya Bhaskar. It was also the debut of Aadi Sai Kumar who continued doing many films afterwards. Now, an intersting thing was revealed by Vijay Bhaskar that Sai Dharam Tej, Nephew of Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan was the first choice for Prema Kavali. This has surprised everyone.
Vijay Bhaskar was speaking at the event of his upcoming film, Usha Parinayam where he revealed this. He also said that Pawan Kalyan was supposed to be the producer for this film as well but things didn’t materialize properly. Sai Dharam Tej then collaborated with Y.V.S. Chowdary for Rey which was supposed to be his debut. But due to Rey’s release issues, Pilla Nuvvu Leni Jeevitham released first and became his debut film.
It is surely surprising to listen to this news. Prema Kavali would have been a good launch for Sai Dharam Tej indeed. But anyways he got the blessings of his uncle and Mega fans which made him sustain till now. He recently met with an accident and recovered from it as well. Currently, he is working for SDT18 directed by Rohith KP.