Ahead of the release of his next film, titled BRO: The Avatar, actor Sai Dharam Tej was seen visiting the Srikalahasti temple in the Tirupati district. While it is common for actors to visit temples for prayers ahead of their movie releases, this particular visit has garnered some unexpected attention.
During his visit, the actor was seen offering his prayers and making a round of the temple. But what has caused this controversy is that the actor was seen giving ‘Aarathi’ to the Gods. This did not go down well with the Pandits of the temple, who voiced their opinions. “How can a Bhakt offer ‘Aarathi’ to the Gods?” they said.
Usually in these temples, especially the Srikalahasti temple which is known for its religious significance, these kinds of matters are taken very seriously, and rightly so. When one enters a religious place, it becomes his duty to respect the culture and traditions there.
Having said that, it is likely that Sai Dharam Tej did this unknowingly and had no intentions to hurt anybody. It is also being said that one of the priests there might have asked Sai Dharam Tej to perform ‘Aarathi’. But nothing has been confirmed yet.
Meanwhile, the actor will be awaiting the release of his BRO movie with Powerstar Pawan Kalyan. The film is releasing on 28th July in theatres. It is a remake of the Tamil film Vinodaya Sitham.