First time ever in the history, one movie is being streamed on three OTT platforms at once in regional languages. RRR has been one of the prestigious movies in Tollywood with two contemporary stars- NTR and Ram Charan working as leads in it. It can be considered as one of the biggest multistarrers in Telugu movie.
Above all, Rajamouli is the director of this movie post Bahubali. With these many reasons surrounding it, RRR became one of the biggest blockbusters in the country. The movie did very good at box office but it got all the attention from westerners after getting screamed in Netflix.
RRR initial digital streaming rights were given to Zee5. Zee5 covers Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada language of the movie. While Netflix bagged the streaming rights in Hindi. This has turned out to be the best thing happened to RRR. Audience from every age in Western countries loved the movie. It got immense reach and has become quite popular.
Because of this Disney+ Hotstar has took the streaming rights of movie in all the regional languages. Disney+ Hotstar is available internationally and this will further increase the reach of RRR.