RRR, the SS Rajamouli’s directorial starring Ram Charan and NTR, has made history today to become the 1st Indian film to achieve JPY 1 billion (62 Crores) in Japan. The film ranked this extraordinary benchmark on the 122nd day of release. This is a magnificent accomplishment by any means. The previous highest grossing Indian film in Japan for over two decades was Mutthu with JPY 400 million.
Released in October last year, RRR has consistently upheld its box office performance in Japan for months on end, and more recently, it has seen a significant growth in its numbers incurring to the buzz brought about during the Oscar awards season. What’s more surprising is the last four weeks have been the film’s most successful moments of its run, by beating its opening week’s collections.
RRR also has been nominated for the esteemed “Best Foreign Language Film” category at the 46th Japan Academy Film Prize, alongside Hollywood films like Top Gun: Maverick, Spider-man: No Way Home, Avatar: The Way of Water, and CODA. If it gets to win this accolade, it would again boost the film’s market appeal and further strengthen its box office numbers. The announcement of the winners is scheduled for March 10th.
Despite over 100 days of its release in Japan, the film hasn’t slowed down, which has astonished everyone. In the Japanese market, it is a usual trend where films have long theatrical runs.
No one expected RRR to score big at the Japanese box office when it was released, and some even commented that releasing RRR in Japan was a waste of time. But it surpassed everyone’s expectations and has collected a massive number of 1 Billion at Japan Box-office with 635K Footfalls in its 18th week. We need to wait and see how many more records after this remarkable feat.