Sai Dharam Tej’s accident has got the entire T-town worried with wishes for the young actor’s recovery pouring in from all quarters. Many film celebrities and well-wishers rushed to Appollo Hospital where the actor is undergoing treatment.
Following the developments on the matter, music director RP Patnaik made some interesting suggestions to the police who have booked the actor on rash and negligent driving. Taking to his social media handle, Patnaik said,
“Request the police, a simultaneous efforts to file a case against the construction company which is the reason for accumulation of sand on the road and also against the municipality for not keeping the road clean as and when, while filing a case against Saidharam Tej for speeding. This action may help to alert other construction activities in other areas of the city to be careful.“
The construction company’s role is also under scrutiny and the disposed sand from the site has now been cleared. It now needs to be seen if the construction company is also booked under appropriate sections for being a cause for Sai Dharam Tej’s accident.