Telangana Chief Minister, Revanth Reddy has made derogatory comments about Allu Arjun and film Actors today during his interaction with India Today. The Chief Minister quoted Allu Arjun as an Actor who earns money through acting in films and also termed it as a business shockingly. This really appeared shocking and showed the Chief Minister’s lack of respect for film field and its personalities.
Revanth Reddy, who once worked as a member of TDP established by a film personality and Matinee Idol, NTR has termed films as nothing but business in a cheap way. This completely shocked everyone indicating that the CM missed logic in this aspect which applies to his former Party and his former Party President. He was speaking while asked to respond about the arrest of Allu Arjun happened today.
Revanth Reddy went ahead and even questioned why there was so much of outrage for the arrest of Allu Arjun. He wondered whether Allu Arjun was someone who was working in the border as an Army Man. Telling this, he compared Allu Arjun to a businessman who deals only about the incoming and outgoing of money in his pocket.
These irresponsible comments showed how Revanth Reddy was completely disrespectful of both Allu Arjun and film Actors. No one expected a Chief Minister to come up with such hateful and low comments regarding any field of Art. No one also knows why Revanth Reddy was so angry about Allu Arjun demeaning his charcter and limiting him only to the role of a businessman. Well, many feel there is a reason behind this for sure.