The release date for Ranbir Kapoor’s Ramayan has been confirmed. It is widely known that Bollywood Star Hero Ranbir Kapoor is all set to portray the character of Lord Rama in his upcoming film Ramayan. The YJHD Actor recently saw massive success with Animal, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, and now has some exciting projects lined up, of which Ramayan is the most significant. The release date for Ranbir Kapoor’s Ramayan has been confirmed.
Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, the film Ramayan is being planned like never before. It will be made in three parts, as reported. The lead stars are very massive. Ranbir will be seen as lord Ram, the renowned actress Sai Pallavi as Sita, and the KGF Actor Yash as Ravana.
According to reports, Hanuman in the film will be played by Sunny Deol, Vibheeshana by Vijay Sethupathi, and Kaikeyi by Lara Dutta. However, Bobby Deol has turned down the role of Kumbhakaran. Nitesh Tiwari and Namit Malhotra are producing the film, and it is said to be targeted for release during Diwali in 2025. Although there has been no official announcement about the project and its main cast, pre-production is reportedly underway.
The director is said to have locked the plan, and the shoot will start this March. The makers plan to release it on Diwali 2025. Diwali festival is usually considered one of the biggest seasons for Bollywood.
The film’s first part will have a significant portion of Lord Ram and Sita, while Ravana and Lord Hanuman’s characters will have introduction scenes. In Part 2 and Part 2, they will have a much more significant role to play.