Ever since it was announced that RC15 is going to be in the combination of Ram Charan & Shankar, the expectations have gone sky-high. Multiple plotlines and theories have been floated about the movie. Some say that the Mega Power Star will be playing the role of a young and dynamic IAS officer fighting corruption. There is another set that believes that RC15 is going to be a re-adaptation of Shankar’s Mudhavalan (Oke Okkaddu).
We might have to wait for official word on the exact theme of Ram Charan & Shankar film. However, it is true that this film is going to be on anti-corruption theme. Ram Charan’s character is going to play an anti -corruption crusader in this social drama. This film is going to be unlike any of other Shankar films. Reportedly, heavy usage of VFX and costly sets that are a part of Shankar’s films will be missing in RC15.
This Ram Charan & Shankar film was originally scheduled to go on floors in July. However, with the recent legal troubles of Shankar, it might take some more time. Ram Charan is meanwhile busy with Acharya and RRR. He will start working on this film once he is free of all commitments.
It’s being reported that Lyca Productions wrote to the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce, urging them to interfere in the matter.
“As Lyca is a member of the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce (TFCC), they wrote asking us to interfere in Shankar’s matter and resolve the issue. Now, with this matter being sub judice, we are refraining from commenting further, ” said Mutyala Ramdas, Vice President, TFCC.
All eyes are now on Madras High Court and if it directs Shankar to complete Indian 2 first, then we have to wait till 2022 for RC15 to go on floors.