Nani’s Tuck Jagadish has faced the maximum brunt of the movies’ impacted due to the pandemic. The movie was earlier scheduled to release on April 23rd earlier this year but the pandemic spoiled the plans. Both the makers and Nani constantly assured the fans through updates and posters that the movie would release only in theatres when the situation normalizes.
However, with theatres reopening but only with 50% occupancy in AP and future uncertainties over the pandemic, the decision to go for the OTT route was finally taken. Nani’s Tuck Jagdish will now release on Amazon Prime soon. The movie has been sold to the OTT giant for Rs 37 crores which might sound sweet in normal conditions but the story is far from true.
This deal has not been a fruitful one for the makers. The pre-release theatrical business for the movie earlier this year fetched makers a solid Rs 30 crores. And had the movie released in theatres, the subsequent theatrical + digital rights would have easily fetched the producers Rs 40 crores + collections. The makers out of no choice and unwillingness to wait anymore are left with no option but to chose OTT release.
This is not just an isolated incident but many films that are going the digital route are now left with no choice but to go for this less tempting OTT deal.
Shiva Nirvana is directing this family entertainer and Tuck Jagadish marks the second collaboration between him and Nani after Ninnu Kori. Jagapathi Babu, Nassar, Ritu Varma, Aishwarya Rajesh, and Rohini are playing other pivotal roles, while Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi are the producers under Shine Screens banner.