Rashmika who is enjoying a dominating presence in Tollywood has now been confirmed in Cocktail 2 opposite Shahid Kapoor. The Actress is already riding high with the blockbuster success of Pushpa 2. This confirmation will further lay a strong path for her in Bollywood after her previous blockbuster Animal. One more Actress is also said to come on-board for Cocktail 2.
Rashmika has already grabbed a Bollywood biggie in the form of Sikandar starring Salman Khan apart from Chhaava starring Vicky Kaushal which has completed its shoot. Cocktail 2 will offer her the romantic breeze with Shahid Kapoor who tasted a success in the form of Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya this year. It is also speculated that Kriti Sanon was chosen to play the other female role in Cocktail 2.
Apart from these, Rashmika has Kubera co-starring Dhanush and Nagarjuna which is aimed for release in March 2025. Her solo film, The Girlfriend‘s glimpse has also been released recently. With all these in her pocket, Rashmika surely looks to go big in the coming years.