Ranveer Singh has surprised his fans and movie lovers with a pretty unique appearance in a product commercial. The Bollywood star featured in an ad with adult star Johnny Sins to promote his sexual wellness brand. The ad is a hilarious take on the melodramatic TV serials and the Ranveer Singh and Johnny Sins ad has now gone viral on the internet for all the right reasons.
The unexpected crossover between Ranveer and Johnny Sins left viewers on the edge of their seats, with social media buzzing with reactions. Many expressed surprise and amusement at seeing the two stars share the screen.
Needless to say, the ad drew a lot of attention and it is being talked about on the Internet. While several people have pointed out that never in their wildest imaginations had they thought of watching this, others called it the ‘biggest crossover’.
Beyond the laughter and entertainment, the Ranveer Singh and Johnny Sins advertisement has sparked conversations about breaking taboos surrounding men’s sexual health and making such topics more accessible to a wider audience.