Ram Pothineni suffered from neck injury while training for his upcoming film RaPo19. The untitled action thriller directed by Lingusamy will have serious heavy-duty action scenes for which Ram has been working hard at gym to attain body transformation,.
The actor took to Instagram to share a picture with his fans with the caption: Take a break…or take The Break! The actor can be seen wearing a neck brace and the injury seems to be a serious one.
#RaPo19 will be made on a grand scale and lavish budget. Srinivasa Chitturi will be producing this film. While Lingusamy hasn’t directed any straight Telugu film, the dubbed versions of his films such as Pandemkodi, Run, and Awara were massive hits in Telugu.
Krithi Shetty will feature opposite Ram in this action drama. The shoot of the film is halted for now and will resume once Ram recovers. Here’s wishing the Energetic Star a speedy recovery!