Jr NTR recently started shooting for his upcoming quiz show Evaru Meelo Kooteswarudu. The show that has seen many Tollywood celebrities in the past is gearing up for its 5th season. Jr NTR, who is making a comeback to the small screen after 4 years will be hosting the quiz show for the first time and his first guest is none other than RRR co-star Mega Power Star Ram Charan.
Jr NTR started shooting for the show on July 10th and will shoot till July 20th. In these 10 days, he will be looking to finish as many episodes as possible. The show’s first three seasons were hosted by Nagarjuna while Chiranjeevi hosted the fourth season.
A special set has been erected at Annapurna Studios for the show and fans are eager to catch Jr NTR on the small screen after a gap of 4 years. He had earlier hosted the first season of Bigg Boss Telugu Season 1 and received great applause for his hosting.
Meanwhile, fans are excited to catch NTR and Ram Charan on a small screen, and we can expect some inside scoops from RRR in this episode.