Tollywood Actor Ram Charan is currently busy with the promotional activities for his upcoming film, Game Changer. The team is also part of this and the Producer Dil Raju revealed an interesting news regarding the commitment of Ram Charan towards Game Changer. It came to the notice that Ram Charan has shelved a film for Game Changer.
Ram Charan and Jersey Director Gowtham Tinnanuri planned on a film but this was cancelled for unknown reasons. Everyone felt that the story as the reason for it but Dil Raju revealed it happened only because of the delay that Game Changer faced. Since it delayed, Ram Charan didn’t want to move on to another film as per the Producer.
Now with this, all doubt if this story is being with Vijay Deverkonda now for VD12. There is no confirmation regarding this yet. The film’s first look poster was also released and the film is slated for release for this Summer on 28th March.
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