The biggest pan India movie RRR is still running successfully in theatres. The fans and movie lovers watched multiple times in theatres. Though Rajamouli himself accepted that it is not as big as Baahubali 2, RRR fared well at the box office. Ram Charan and NTR’s dance and performances are applauded all over India. Ajay Devagan, Alia Bhatt and Olivia Morris too shined in their roles. The epic blockbuster collected more than 1000 Cr gross. People wanted to watch RRR again and again. So many people are waiting for the movie to release in OTT.
Rajamouli’s RRR digital rights were sold at huge price even before the theatrical release. As per the reports the blockbuster RRR is going to stream on Zee5 and Netflix from 20th May. In fact it’s a very good news for RRR lovers. Everyone is eagerly waiting for it to watch on OTT platforms. It will be a great time pass for the students who will have summer holidays. RRR will release on Zee 5 in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada whereas Netflix will stream the Hindi version.