Ram Charan hosted a star-studded Diwali party. The Mega Power Star held a grand Diwali party at his residence yesterday, attended by numerous Telugu film industry celebrities. A photo of Charan, Mahesh Babu, NTR, and Venkatesh was released this morning, and it is currently going viral on the internet. Many pics from this party have gone viral as Ram Charan hosted a star-studded Diwali party.
The grand Diwali bash was attended by Chiranjeevi, Surekha, Nagarjuna, Amala, Venkatesh Neeraja, Mahesh Babu, Namrata, Jr. NTR, Lakshmi Pranathi, Allu Arjun Sneha Reddy, Varun Tej, Lavanya Tripathi, Manchu Manoj, Mounika Reddy, Sai Dharam Tej, Manchu Lakshmi, Akhil, Allu Sirish, and Vaishnav Tej.
On her Instagram account, Namratha, wife of Mahesh Babu, posted several photographs from the party.
The fans are in awe as they watch pictures of their favorite celebrities together. It is widely known that Charan will appear next in the Political Action Thriller Game Changer, which Shankar Shanmugham is directing.