Former Indian cricket team captain and legend MS Dhoni and Mega Power Star’s recent pic is going viral on social media with the fans of both stars going gaga over the reunion of the duo. MS Dhoni and Ram Charan came together for an ad shoot. The last time the two stars collaborated was for an ad shoot of Pepsi back in 2009.
MS Dhoni who commands a sizable fan following all across the world has now retired from cricket and is active during IPL. While Ram Charan has risen up to global stardom after the blockbuster success of SS Rajamouli’s RRR. Fans are eagerly awaiting this new ad which is sure to grab eyeballs thanks to the massive brand image of Dhoni and Ram Charan.
Ever since the massive success of the Pepsi Ad in 2009, there have been several demands to see a repeat of the two stars together. In fact, back in 2016, there were reports of Charan starring in MS Dhoni’s biopic in Suresh Raina’s role. This however ended up being a rumour and was refused by the movie’s makers. With the two stars now meeting again after 14 years, the fans have finally got their wish granted and all eyes are now on the ad.