Ram Charan and Chiranjeevi recently watched the Aha original thriller Senapathi and could not hold back praises. Both the mage actors took to their Instagrams to share their thoughts and experience watching the movie.
Ram Charan congratulated the entire cast and crew of the film, while also praising Rajendra Prasad specifically.
It was great to see Rajendra Prasad Garu in terrific form.
He also went on to congratulate his sister, Sushmita Konidela who has produced Senapathi. He also expressed his congrats to Vishnu Prasad, Sushmita’s husband, and co-producer.
Chiranjeevi shared a long tweet explaining his experience of watching the film. In short, he called Senapathi a terrific thriller.
Here is Megastar’s tweet:
On the work front, Ram Charan and Megastar Chiranjeevi will be seen together in full-fledged roles for the very first time in Acharya. Previously Chiranjeevi has appeared in cameos for a song in Magadheera and a fight in Bruce Lee: The Fighter.