Rakul Preet Singh’s destination wedding venue details are out. The latest reports from the Bollywood media circles have confirmed that Actress Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani are about to tie the knot, and it’s happening sooner than you might expect! In October 2021, the couple confirmed their relationship on Instagram. Rakul Preet Singh’s destination wedding venue details are out.
Bhagnani had posted a romantic Instagram photo of himself and his ladylove holding hands on Singh’s birthday back in 2021 and made their relationship official.
The couple is undoubtedly starting the New Year on a positive note! This coming month, Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani, her producer boyfriend, will take their relationship to a new level!
Rakul Preet Singh’s weddning in February in Goa
The couple is set to marry on February 22, 2024, in Goa, where they have planned a beach destination wedding. It is reported that it will be an intimate affair with only the celebrity couple’s close friends and families (Usually, celebrities prefer to have a private marriage). Later, a grand wedding reception in Mumbai will follow.
The couple has been reported to be currently in Thailand, but they are staying separately. While Rakul enjoys her break, Jackky starts the new year with his bachelor party.