Rajinikanth’s latest film, Jailer, is causing a stir at the box office with its excellent performance. After having a fantastic first weekend, the film continued to get superb collections on Monday and yesterday being Independence Day, it took the fullest advantage and registered more nos than the 1st day in many areas in the Telugu states. Jailer has proved Rajinikanth’s dominance as all the territories have bowed down to his stardom.
When it comes to the overall numbers, Jailer has become the second-biggest first week opener for Kollywood. The bombastic collections of Jailer are a proof of that, given a decent film Rajinikanth’s stardom can create wonders at the box office even now. Not only Jailer, all the records for a Tamil movie in India and Overseas are with Rajinikanth only.
Here are the 1st week all-time records for Kollywood
- Tamil Nadu- Jailer
Kerala – Jailer
North India – 2 Point O
Telugu states – 2 Point O
Overseas – Jailer
Worldwide- 2 Point O
Only Tamil version – Jailer
Even at the age of 72 years, Rajini is creating terrific box office records with his extraordinary screen presence and swag. He just needs a proper presentation of his stardom in a decent film, which he has proved once again with Jailer.