Superstar Rajiniknath, whose latest film ‘Jailer’ became a massive blockbuster, will be watching the film with none other than the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Yesterday evening, Rajinikanth, the Tamil superstar and one of the renowned stars of the Indian Cinema arrived in Lucknow.
“I will watch the film with him,” he told news agency ANI when asked about his meeting with the Chief Minister today.
He also thanked God for the film because he gave such a big hit at the box office. “Sab Bhagwan ka dua hai (it’s all god’s blessings),” he said as he boarded his car at the airport.
Jailer is a Rajinikanth’s latest movie after a two-year break. The film was released with a good hype because of Anirudh’s terrific songs and well cut trailer. The film tells how a retired Jailer takes on a criminal gang who kidnap his son, who is a police officer.
Rajinikanth’s extraordinary screen presence and action episodes left a lasting impression on everyone. Nelson made a strong comeback after a failure like Beast, while Anirudh’s BGM was a major highlight of the movie.