Rajinikanth is all set to deliver a Diwali blast for fans. It is widely known that Superstar will appear in a cameo in his daughter, Aishwarya Rajinikanth’s directorial ” Lal Salaam.” Recently, there were rumors about the film’s postponement from its official release date, Pongal – Sankranthi 2024. Rajinikanth is all set to deliver a Diwali blast for fans with the teaser of Lal Salaam
This evening, Lyca Productions announced that the electrifying teaser of Lal Salaam will be released on November 12 at 10:45 AM. By doing so, the makers have denied the rumors about the film’s postponement as they have mentioned that the movie will be released in theatres during the Pongal holidays.
The puzzle surrounding Lal Salaam’s release was raised because of Dhanush’s ‘Captain Miller.’ The film was initially scheduled to be released in December but has recently been postponed to Pongal 2024. The Pongal conflict has intensified with the release of four movies, ‘Captain Miller,’ ‘Ayalaan,’ ‘Lal Salaam,’ and ‘Aranmanai 4′, in Tamil. One or two of the four films are expected to be postponed from the Pongal 2024 release to make the other films’ release smoother.
However, confirmation of the ‘Lal Salaam’ release date is out now, so we should wait and see how the other films will manage the heat of competition.
The sports drama Lal Salaam is centered around cricket, and its main protagonists are Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth. Rajinikanth’s extended cameo is used to boost the power of his daughter’s comeback directorial, and AR Rahman scores the music for the movie. ‘Lal Salaam’ is scheduled to be released across India because it appeals to a broader audience. Additionally, Jeevitha Rajashekar plays a crucial role in her comeback as an actress.