Rajinikanth regained his stardom with the massive box office success of his latest film, Jailer. Not only because of the film’s unexpected storm at the box office, the superstar was also popular was because of a recent political incident involving him caught the attention of everyone, incidentally.
Everyone is aware that Rajini made a visit to Uttar Pradesh CM Adityanath and accidentally touched the feet of the senior politician as a gesture of respect. This became a topic of conversation for a few days. While some opposes Rajinikanth’s gesture, some supported him.
In a new development, Satyanarayana Rao Gaikwad, Rajini’s brother, has made a very interesting comment that Rajini may soon become a governor for a state in India. The attention has been drawn to this statement, because it originates from Rajini’s own brother.
Rajini’s meeting with Yogi Adityanath and the long-standing narrative that the star actor is inclined to BJP are now being intertwined by a few netizens with the update that the BJP-led central government may appoint him as a state governor.
The BJP’s election campaign had a particular focus on attracting film stars from the south from a longtime. Now adding to this narrative, the news of Rajini could be made governor by the BJP government became stronger. However nothing is official and we will have to wait and watch for a few days to confirm anything.