Everyone is aware that Rajinikanth, the Tamil superstar, recently met with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath at his residence to watch his recently released film ‘Jailer’. This encounter caught many people surprised. However, Rajinikanth’s actions during this meet has sparked a major controversy as a video of him touching Yogi Adityanath’s feet went viral on the internet. Rajinikanth finally responded to the controversy.
Rajini went to Himalaya’s before the Jailer film’s release after a longtime. He met multiple people after the Himalaya, Yogi Adityanath was one of them, and he touched his feet and which created a lot of controversy. He came back to Chennai today. At the airport, the media waited to ask all the questions and Rajinikanth responded to the controversy.
“I follow the tradition of bowing at the feet of Yogis or Swamjis to receive their blessings, even though they are younger than me. Thanks to fans for the Jailer movie success” said Superstar Rajinikanth at Chennai airport.
“ I also want to thank, congratulate Mr. Kalanidhi Maran, Director Nelson Dilipkumar, Anirudh Ravichander and the rest of the cast and crew for Jailer’s success. I don’t want to discuss politics, ” said Rajinikanth.