Superstar Rajinikanth starrer Lal Salaam’s audio launch event happened a few days back and it was released online on Sunday. In the audio launch, there were many monumental moments including one where the Superstar clarified his alleged feud with Vijay. He requested fans and the audience to not take his words in other meanings.
“I said crow and eagle story generically, and in social media, it spread as if I referred to Vijay. I really did not mean that,” said Rajini clarifying about his earlier speech at the Jailer event which led to the war of words between fans of both stars.
“I have seen Vijay from childhood. He with his hard work has emerged as a big star,” recollected the Superstar. Another major highlight of the event was Aishwarya Rajinikanth’s speech over people terming Rajinikanth as a Sanghi’. “Rajinikanth is not Sanghi, if he were Sanghi he would not have accepted Lal salaam film,” she stated emotionally while Rajini could also be seen moved to tears.
Sanghi is a term often used for hardcore right-wingers and Rajini’s recent meeting with Yogi Adityanath where the star even touched the feet of the UP CM attracted some criticism. Rajini’s overall camaraderie with BJP leaders in centre has also led to many questioning his political stance along with ‘Sanghi’ remarks.
Directed by Aishwarya Rajinikanth, Lal Salaam stars Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth in lead roles while Rajinikanth will be seen in an extended cameo. AR Rahman has composed the music for this film slated to release on 9th February.