Actor Rajinikanth on Monday met Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin at the secretariat. The Superstar donated Rs 50 lakhs to TNCM Relief Fund. He also appealed to the people to follow the guidelines issued by the government in the view of COVID-19.
“To eradicate corona, I have donated Rs 50 lakhs to Tamil Nadu CM Relief Fund. People should follow, whatever the rules and regulations are given by the government to overcome the Corona,” said Rajinikanth.
This comes after Stalin’s appeal to people to donate money to the CM Relief Fund to fight the second wave of COVID-19.
Earlier last week, Suriya along with father Sivakumar and brother Karthi also met Chief Minister Stalin. The trio donated Rs 1 crore towards Tamil Nadu Covid relief works.
On the work front, Rajinikanth just completed the shoot of Siruthai Siva directorial Annaatthe. The shoot of the film took place in a continuous 35 days schedule in Hyderabad’s Ramoji Film City. Special permissions were taken to complete the shootings during the night.