There were reports in the media a few days ago that Superstar Rajinikanth would be meeting Former Chief Minister Chandra babu Naidu at Rajahmundry Central Jail. Afterward, the meeting did not take place. Seeing this, a section in media circles tried to make it look like it was all fake publicity for the Telugu Desam Party.
A section of the Media even circulated a fabricated message claiming that Rajinikanth dismissed the rumors of him meeting CBN. Today, Rajinikanth was spotted at Chennai Airport and the media inquired about reports of his meeting with Chandrababu Naidu.
“I was about to visit Chandrababu Naidu in Rajahmundry Central Jail but could not due to a family function in Coimbatore,” he said.
It was also reported that Rajinikanth immediately called Nara Lokesh to express his solidarity after the arrest of Chandra Babu Naidu. “My friend is a fighter. I will never trust him to do anything wrong after knowing him. Keep fighting” Rajinikanth reportedly told Lokesh and he already said to have stated that the development and welfare done to the Telugu people by CBN will surely save him.
Rajinikanth previously endorsed Chandrababu Naidu in a public meeting, and YSR Congress leaders bashed him for intervening in the politics of Andhra Pradesh.