Rajinikanth’s latest film, ‘Jailer’, has taken the box office by storm, marking a sensational comeback by the Superstar after a series of underwhelming films over the past few years. Rajinikanth’s future projects have sparked excitement among both fans and critics due to the success of ‘Jailer’. Also, Rajinikanth admits that Jailer’s blockbuster success has put him under immense pressure now.
On Sunday night, the cast, and crew of the action entertainer celebrated the movie’s success. “When Jailer became a huge success, I was happy for 5 days.Then I got tensed and was wondering how I am going to exceed Jailer.” said Rajinikanth. He also stated that without re recording, even he thought Jailer was an above-average film. It was only Anirudh BGM, which made the movie a massive success as per Rajinikanth.
The Superstar also praised the production banner, Sun Pictures is setting an example of how to celebrate a movie’s success with everyone… Rajini also appreciated Director Nelson Dilip Kumar and said that it set a good example of how to use the cameos effectively.
The Tamil version of the film, Jailer, has amassed a worldwide gross of more than 500Cr which is an all time record. Overall, it is the 2nd biggest hit for Kollywood after 2 Point 0 and share wise it has created an all-time record for Kollywood as the film ended up with close to 310Cr share worldwide.