Rajamouli has lit fire on Twitter with his tweet today. With Bheemla Nayak being postponed, we are going to see only two biggies- RRR and Radheshyam arriving for this Sankranti. It indeed is a good news for producers and audience too.
Rajamouli started putting up tweets thanking the people who made RRR release easy. The first tweet in these series of tweets was addressed to Mahesh Babu. He said and I quote- “.@urstrulyMahesh was the one who took the initative in decluttering the Pongal releases… Even though #SarkaruVaariPaata was a perfect Pongal film, he moved it to summer and created a healthy atmosphere. Thanks to my Hero 🙂 and also to the entire team at @MythriOfficial…”
Thanking Mahesh is one thing but calling him My hero made Mahesh fans emotional and happy too. Rajamouli is hinting that his next movie is going to be with Mahesh Babu.
This isn’t the first time Mahesh postponed his movie to accomodate a biggie. He already did it for Bahubali 1 by postponing Srimanthudu and now we see him doing the same with Sarkaru Vaari Paata. Mahesh fans are beaming with pride as they see Rajamouli applauding him.
He also thanked Bheemla Nayak and F3 team for postponing their movies