With Radhe Shyam nearing the end of its shoot, makers have decided to redo some shots. Apparently, Prabhas after watching the rushes didn’t seem happy with the output. He suggested a reshoot of few scenes in order to get a better feel and quality output on-screen.
According to a source, “Prabhas wanted to better his expressions in certain scenes, and felt that if they are reshot, it would certainly help in enhancing the overall quality of the scenes and thus the film. He is all game to give a few more expressions for the shots. He is expected to come to Hyderabad on Thursday and, in all probabilities, resume shooting for the Radhakrishna-directorial.”
Another final decision infront of the makers is whether to include one more song in the film or not. The distributors apparently feel that adding a visually appealing song would add value to the movie. Reportedly Prabhas too has agreed to this view and a song will mostly be added to blend into the narrative of the movie.