Prabhas and Pooja Hegde’s much awaited movie Radhe Shyam’s is just two days away from its release. The thrill is getting higher and the excitement is gearing up. Young Rebel Star Prabhas movie is coming after two and half years. The curiosity rose up after the release trailer. As the movie is heading up for release, censor is done and the run time is locked. Radhe Shyam is censored with U/A and is all set to release on 11th March.
Radhe Shyam Telugu has censored with U/A and runtime is 150 minutes as per censor certificate. The makers again removed few scenes from the censored part. Now the final output is 138 Minutes which is very plus for the movie. Love stories need a crisp runtime with beautiful songs and emotional content. Radhe shyam with 138 minutes is a perfect runtime for such a love story if director use that in a proper way, it can do wonders at box office.