Pushpa the rise has hit the big screens across the world yesterday with huge expectations. Despite the mixed reviews from critics, the film had a great start at the box office on day 1 in all versions. Film collected around 23 crores share in the Telugu states on day 1.
Hindi version of the film had a slow start but picked up well by evening shows to post a decent day 1 number for a dubbed film. Film posted strong numbers even in Tamil and Malayalam versions. Here are the Pushpa The Rise Day 1 all versions worldwide collections:
Pushpa The Rise Day 1 [All Versions] Worldwide Collections
AP/TS | ₹ 23.36 Cr | ₹ 34.5 Cr |
Karnataka | ₹ 3.4 Cr | ₹ 6.5 Cr |
Tamilnadu | ₹ 1.7 Cr | ₹ 3.6 Cr |
Kerala | ₹ 0.6 Cr | ₹ 1.3 Cr |
ROI (Approx) | ₹ 1.2 Cr | ₹ 2.75 Cr |
Overseas | ₹ 5.1 Cr | ₹ 10.5 Cr |
Worldwide | ₹ 35.36 Cr | ₹ 59.15 Cr |
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Disclaimer: The box office figures are compiled from various sources. The figures can be approximate and TrackTollywood does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data. However they are adequately indicative of the box-office performance of the film(s).