Pushpa 2 starring Allu Arjun is one of most anticipated films of Tollywood. The film is currently in the final leg of the shoot with Actress Sree Leela also coming on board for a special song. Fans and Audience have been eagerly waiting for the release of Trailer. Now, the same has been announced by the makers finally. Pushpa 2 Trailer is also locked at 2 Minutes and 44 second runtime.
The event will take place on 17th November in Patna and the Trailer will also be out at 6:30 PM on YouTube. The event is planned massively to generate great hype for the film. The makers have also announced that the trailer will be full of pure Mass Madness. Allu Arjun is also gearing up to show his explosive performance once again in Pushpa 2.
The makers have also prepared on all fronts to go close to the reputed 1000 crores mark worldwide at the box office. And Pushpa 2 will also be one of the very few films having all chances of pulling this off. It is scheduled for release on December 5th which is less than a month away. The film is also expected to take an earth shattering opening across India and worldwide on the opening day.