For the past few days, there have been various speculation over Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2 release delay. Several unconfirmed reports stated that the film will now be pushed back from the original release date of 15th August 2024. The team has now put the industry and media rumours to an end Pushpa 2 team confirmed the release date of 15th August.
While the team has now confirmed the release date, it will be an uphill task for Sukumar to complete the film as decided and release it on 15th August. The film completed just around 50% shooting. Firstly, their target is to complete the shoot by this May, and then go on with pan india promotions to release on 15th August. But with more than 50% of shooting left, completing the shoot by May/June is a very tough task.
Sukumar is someone who does not go easy on anything about his film. He needs everything to be perfect and there is very heavy pressure on him as Pushpa 2 is the most anticipated film. Due to such anticipation and buzz around Pushpa 2, Sukumar does not want to rush anything. It needs to be seen how the team will manage this deadline.