Pushpa 2 is witnessing a stunning performance in Tamil Nadu. The film is also poised for a 40 crore weekend in the Tamil version. The real test will begin from tomorrow as the film must maintain a strong momentum to have one more good weekend. The breakeven is valued at more than 100 crores there. So, Pushpa 2 needs a long run in Tamil Nadu badly.
Meanwhile in Kerala, Pushpa 2 remained very weak surprising all. Kerala always supported Allu Arjun’s films in the past and he became very popular there as well. But the film is expected to only a 14 crore after the end of the weekend. The breakeven target is at 60 crores and achieving a 40% recovery seems too challenging there for the film.
Pushpa 2 may end up as a disaster in Kerala and this will definitely shock both Allu Arjun and the team. The reason for the film’s underperformance is also attributed to the improper characterisation of Fahadh Faasil. There are many trolls against the Actor for agreeing to do this role as well. Pushpa 2 is however rocking in the Hindi belt with its dominance. It is also speculated to beat the 600 crore record held by Stree 2.