Pushpa 2 starring Allu Arjun is rock solid with its performance at the box office. The film’s Hindi Version is showcasing a rampage across the belt. The film has already grossed more than 800 crores worldwide. Apart from this, the film is continuously maintaining its lead on the ticketing platform, Book My Show. Pushpa 2 has sold over one crore tickets till now on Book My Show defining its craze.
Pushpa 2 created a record of booking over 100K tickets in an hour on Book My Show on the opening day. It has also created a record in the advance bookings by raking in more than 3 Million tickets before the release. With Monday, Pushpa 2 will also be crossing 10 Million tickets mark. This is next level stuff from the film.
Pushpa 2 is also poised for a 20 Million ticket sales on the platform in the full run if the same momentum continues. The film has already entered the top categories in major segments. After its run, Pushpa 2 will surely reach the top position in these categories without a doubt.