Pushpa 2 has joined the 1500 crore grossers club officially today. The film also becomes the 2nd Telugu film and South Indian film to make 1500 crores after Baahubali 2. Allu Arjun has also become the solo Actor from the South Indian Film Industry with Non-Rajamouli factor to have pulled off this record. This is indeed a great achievement for the film and the Actor jointly.
Recent Pan India Blockbusters, RRR and KGF Chapter 2 failed to join this club shockingly. Pushpa 2 also becomes the third Indian film to collect 1500 crores gross after Dangal and Baahubali 2 globally. It is also expected to draw another 100 crores by its full run. There are also chances of earning 150 crores if Hindi belt promises a strong run till the full run.
If all goes well, Pushpa 2 will go close to the numbers of Baahubali 2 worldwide in its full run. This all depends on the audiences’ turnout for the holiday seasons for the next 1 month. So, let’s see if Pushpa 2 could surpass Baahubali 2.