Pushpa 2 starring Allu Arjun doing sensational numbers at Box office, For the two days the film has collected 420 Cr gross worldwide. Today performing better than yesterday in all territories. Especially Hindi version trending on a phenomenal note and Day 3 is expected to get in the range of 70 crores nett.
In Tamil Nadu, too film is picking up exceptionally well today, A double digit day. But in Kerala, which is the stronghold of Allu Arjun, the film has been performing underwhelming. But today’s performance is better than yesterday there as well. Karnataka too witnessed a good jump today. In Telugu States also the collections are a bit higher than yesterday, but the movie business needs a massive jump. Overall, the film is set to gross around 135 crores today from India. In overseas more than 4 Million is expected on Saturday. Overall 3rd day gross is expected to in the range of 170 Cr worldwide and this is all time record day 3 for any Indian film
So, for 3 days, Pushpa 2 gross will around 600 crores worldwide which is just a remarkable number. This is a sensational achievement for Allu Arjun and Pushpa 2 even with an average word of mouth generated. The movie expected to hit 1000 Cr mark within 2nd weekend or even lesser days.